
Contact Huyuan

If you have any questions, please use the form below.

The person in charge will contact you by phone or email.

We will abide by the confidentiality obligations of the personal information obtained and will not use it for any other purpose or provide it to third parties outside of our business.

Huyuan Electric Machinery Co., Ltd.

Huyuan Electric Machinery Co., Ltd.

Contact: Mr. Zhang

Service Hotline: 400-661-6441

Mobile number: 189-6767-1978

Tel: 86-0576-81872618


Fax: 86-0576-81872617

Add.: Binhai Industrial Park, Jiaojiang District, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province

Shanghai Huyuan Electric Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Service Hotline: 400-661-6441

Tel: 86-021-57360770

Fax: 86-021-67360361